It is possible to hack this system and upload fresh maps for any region, but this is very complex task and it's hard to do this.
But there is a way around this problem, you also need to be familiar with many things like md5-checksum calculation, editing files in right encoding and so on. Both naviextras toolbox and headunit's synctool will refuse this. update: Also, synctool folder contents is signed with md5-checksums of files, so it is impossible just to rewrite or add your own contents. But you can not use any uploaded maps using testmode or using naviextras toolbox without proper licenses for your device model/region or for you device's id. It is possible to cheat naviextras toolbox and upload your own files without using testmode. If we can get all the maps and licenses into one synctool folder, we can install the world map on any device that uses igo primo. My idea was to trick the system and install other maps from 'sync tool' folder that naviextras toolbox create from various igo primo systems. All I'm trying to do is helping others by trying to solve this problem until there is a testmode.